Tuesday, July 23, 2013

36 weeks//almost ready

FEELING: Lots of pelvic pain lately. Thinking that may have something to do with Vi being posterior. Also extremely tired during the day, but having trouble going to sleep at night. The severe heartburn doesn't help.

THINKING: We're almost there. This pregnancy is almost over. Soon, I'll be holding my baby girl in my arms rather than in my belly. It doesn't seem real.

CRAVING: Calm. Clean. Relaxation. I want everything to be done and to be able to just sit and not have to go through a mental list of things that are yet to be done, or things that were done but are now being undone. But of course, as a mama to two toddlers, that's just not possible.

DOING: Last minute prep. We have everything we need for Violet. All of our birth supplies have been purchased. The birth kit and tub were dropped off yesterday. Now, it's just the little details.

OTHER: Little lady is still head down. My midwife is estimating her to be about 6.5lbs. That seems crazy to me. Helena was 6lbs11oz at 38 weeks. I wonder if Violet will be my biggest? I was also told that she is laying posterior, and has been for the past few appointments. Anthony and I have been assigned to do spinning babies techniques to try and get her into a better position. I really hope we can. I've heard how horrible back labor is, and I'd really hate to experience it. Especially after two breezy labors.

Four more days and I'm full term.

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