Sunday, December 31, 2000

Starting again.

I need to start keeping up with this blog, again. So many wonderful things that need to be documented.

I had Violet on August 14th, via an amazing home water birth. She is absolutely perfect. Insanely talkative, super playful, and is working on sitting. She attracts attention everywhere she goes.

Helena is talking more and more. She's becoming my little popstar, singing along to every song she hears. She knows her ABCs, and can identify most of them.

Jordan is a dancin fool. He can bust a move like no other. At a wedding in November, every time I said it was time to leave he'd beg, "just one more song!" He knows his ABCs and likes to teach Helena, he can recognize them all, knows almost all of his sounds, and has recently become interested in learning to read.

I chopped my hair and dyed it red.

We're in a new home 3x the size of our old one. It's wonderful and overwhelming at the same time. We're insanely fortunate and I feel thankful every day.

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