Sunday, August 26, 2012

Jordan's First Camera

About a week and a half ago, I was looking around on zulily when I came across this:

The Jazz JDC230 (there would've been a link there if I could find a decent place to buy it). Basically, it's a crappy little camera made for kids.. It was only $9/99, so I figured, what the hell. I'll get it for a christmas present. Apparently Anthony wasn't listening when I said "christmas present", so he had it opened and Jordan had spotted it before I could stop him. *sigh*

Now, like I said earlier, it's a crappy little camera made for kids. It has 3 buttons: power, mode, and the one that actually takes the picture. I can't tell you what the modes are, because I didn't read the manual and I don't understand them just by viewing them on the camera. Whatevs. The screen on the back is only used to show you the modes you're scrolling through. Read: you can't see the pictures on the actual camera. The kid has to look through a teeny tiny window to see what he'll be taking a picture of, just like the good old days. This is all well and fine, except I bought this camera for my 2 year old (+4 months) and he just can't really do that. My fault.

The camera holds 25 pictures. At that point you plug it into your computer (after installing the software, which is not MAC compatible. Sucks for me since I have a MAC, but more so for my fiancee who does not and hates having extra crap on his computer). The picture quality is really, really, really terrible. Exhibit A:

Yup. Told you it was bad. But, it's for a little kid and was only 10 bucks, so who cares? Right? Right.

Overall, I don't think I wasted my money. He loves his "pih-churrrs!" and it'll be fun to see what he captures once he gets the hang of what he's doing.

Here is a collage of some of Jordan's first pictures:

Now, please excuse me while I call the local art gallery and offer these to them for the low low price of 6k a pop.

1 comment:

  1. All five of my children also just got these cameras from Grandma. And they are just awful. They are supposed to use them dureing their summer vacation to Prince Edward Island to take memory photos. Oh well, I guess I will have to source out a better camera that is still kid friendly and low cost.
