Monday, February 13, 2012

Getting Crafty.

2 Christmases ago, Anthony bought me a sewing machine and a bunch of supplies to make diapers. I was so excited! I made 3 diapers and ordered a bunch more stuff. Well, guess what? I suck at making diapers. I hate making diapers BECAUSE I suck at making diapers. So I neglected my sewing machine for a while. I decided to try something else, and a few days ago, I went to Joanns, bought some fabric, and pulled the machine out. I've decided to start making clothes for my kids! Here's some things I've made so far (starting out simple so don't expect to be amazed).

Headband for Helena (excuse the instagram filter).

Pillowcase dress.

Skirt. Isn't this the best fabric you've ever seen?!

I also made Jordan a pair of pajama pants, but didn't take a picture. I made them too big! But he'll grow into them. I'm working on a quilt, too, but it's pissing me off so I haven't gotten far enough for pictures.

I'm really enjoyng sewing this time around, even though my machine is a total asshole. It's really fun to be able to make something I think is cute with a fabric I love, and then see it on my kids. Plus, Jordan was really excited to see his new pants! He's been carrying them around. Haha.

I hope to get better and make my kids cooler stuff. It's crazy how much you learn WHILE you're doing the project!

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