Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Camera

Anthony bought a new camera today, so we went down to the riverwalk to play with it and take pictures of the kids.

**Disclaimer: In no way do Anthony or I think we're skilled photographers. Hell, I'll admit to not owning a creative eye. These are purely for fun and our own enjoyment!

We started off hanging out on one of the bridges for a while, while Anthony took pictures of fish and ducks (don't laugh, he's just really excited about his camera!) Jordan thought the fish were awesome. When he spotted the fountain, he ran over and said, "MOM! Clothes off?!" Sorry, kiddo.

We got some Red Mango (Jordan either dropped or threw his smoothie on the sidewalk. Either way, wasted), and walked over to the Centennial Labyrinth. Err, something like that. Jordan ran around and did boy stuff. Which included falling off one of the grass steps and somersaulting onto the next. He got up and brushed it off. Whatevs.

Now, here's the thing about Helena. She CAN walk. I promise, she can. She does it sometimes. But the majority of the time, she refuses to walk. Which completely baffles me because she's totally fearless, but she's also kind of a diva so maybe that's why. But, I digress. So since she won't walk, she sat in her dad's lap for a while and then he held her hand and walked her around and much as she allowed him to. This was the only time she was happy today. Poor girl has 2 molars coming in and a stuffy/runny nose.

"Hi, ant! Mom, it's a 'pider!"
Jordan was being a total butthole about pictures. He'd let me take one or two, then wave me off saying "All done!" I legit had to pay him to let me take pictures. I gave him like, 30 cents, but still. I had to pay my own kid to take pictures of him. What is that?!

I love this picture because of everything that's going on in it. Jordan is trying to escape, Anthony is trying to convince him to take a picture with them, Helena is using this opportunity to beat Jordan, and I'm just laughing and taking pictures. This sums up my family perfectly.

{During this post, my miserable little girl woke up because her nose was completely stuffed. So I went up there, sprayed some saline in her nose, and sucked everything out. Right as I was going to lay down with her...she puked. Poor baby.}

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