Saturday, July 20, 2013

Busy Saturday.

We had quite a busy day today.

Jordan started his very first class today. "Sports of All Sorts". It's for ages 3-5, and each week they learn about a different sport. Today was soccer. It was the cutest thing ever! It was an hour long class in 80+ degree heat and by the end, he was pooped. He had Anthony carry him back to the car.

It was also my sweet Helena's 2nd birthday. Since we don't have any family (or really any friends) here, we didn't have a party. Instead we took the kids to do something fun. We went to a children's museum about and hour away and had so much fun! So many cool themed rooms. Both of them had a blast. I felt kind of lame because while all the parents were playing with their kids, I was sitting down. But hey, I'm 9 months pregnant and my feet were swelling. Can you blame me? ;)

We came home and had breakfast for dinner (Helena's favorite), and hello kitty cupcakes. Poor girl cried when I made her wait for her cupcake until we sang.

The kids got a nice long bubble bath, and then we opened presents. She opened them all and tossed them aside as fast as she could, and then played with each one. Her favorite seems to be the calico critter's sets we got her. She's been obsessed with cats, so I picked out the gray cat family and baby nursery and she was thrilled.

Sorry for the absence. This pregnancy has gotten harder now that we're creeping to the end, and the kids are getting much needier. I think they sense the change that's about to happen. 36 week update to come on Monday!

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